Vipassana Meditation
The 5 days Moment to Moment Retreat
August 1-5,2022
The program will start at 8:30 am on Monday 1 and end at 6:00 pm on Friday 5.
Please arrive at the temple by 8.00 am. The program will include Buddha’s teaching, sitting, standing, and walking meditation with instructions and individual interviews.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothes, preferably white, to honor Thai Buddhist tradition. Bring a meditation cushion or any cushion. For an overnight stay, bring a sleeping bag and a flashlight. Bring your tent if you have one.
Temple will provide a few tents. Breakfast and lunches are provided. Undertaking the eight precepts, and no solid meal after 12:00 noon. Milk, juice, tea, and water will be provided all day.
The 5 days’ Meditation Schedules are as follows.
Monday 1, August 2022
8:00 am Arrive at the temple.
8:30 am Registrations.
9:00 am Welcome Speech by the abbot of Wat Pasantidhamma
9.30 am Introduction, taking eight precepts by Most Ven.Phra Videsratanaporn (Dr.Thanat Inthisan)
10:30 am-9:00 pm Keep practicing moment-to-moment mindfulness until bedtime
Tuesday 2-4, August 2022
4:30 am Wake-up call
5:00 am Meditation (sitting, walking, and standing)
6:00 am Join morning chanting with the Sangha
7:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Mindfulness with moving, including sitting, walking, standing, and lying meditation.
11:00 am Offer food to monks and meditators
1.00-3:00 pm Mindfulness with moving, including sitting, walking, standing, and lying meditation.
4:00 pm Dhamma talks
4:30 pm Questions and answers, individually interview.
5:00-5:30 pm Break time (tea, juice, soft drink)
6:00 pm Join evening chanting with the Sangha
7:00-9:00 pm Keep practicing moment-to-moment mindfulness until bedtime.
Friday 5, August Follow the same schedule as the day before.
4:30 am Wake-up call
5:00 am Meditation (sitting, walking, and standing)
6:00 am Join morning chanting with the Sangha
7:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Mindfulness with moving, including sitting, walking, standing, and lying meditation.
11:00 am Offer food to monks and meditators
1.00-3:00 pm Mindfulness with moving, including sitting, walking, standing, and lying meditation.
4:00 pm Dhamma talks
4:30 pm Questions and answers, individually interview.
5:00 pm Closing ceremony.
Meditation instructors:
Ven. Phra Videsratanaporn (Dr.Thanat Inthisan)
Meditation Master and the President of Wat Thai, Washington, D.C.
Secretary-General of the Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the U.S.A.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of IBAA.
Meditation Master and staffs:
Phramaha Udom Pabhangaro, abbot Wat Pasantidhamma, VA
Phramaha Piya Uttamapanyo, Ph.D. abbot of Wat Prodketchettharam of America, NY.
Phra Puttha Thitabhodi, Wat Sobhanaram, Chiang Mai Thailand
Note: – The meditation retreat is open to the public free of charge, the donation is always welcome.
For more information, please contact: WAT PASANTIDHAMMA
14289 CHAPMAN’S LANE, CARROLLTON, VA 23314-9728,
W: gowatpa.org P: (757) 238-3461 E: contact@gowatpa.org