Giving- Dana

Donate for a good reason living.

Why We Give?

What we believe about giving is:
What is Dana?

“How much does it cost to come to a retreat?”
“There is no set fee.”
“What do you mean there is no set fee?  How do you operate?”

We are frequently asked what is the suggested donation for retreats at Wat Pasantidhamma, USA.  We cannot answer that question because that would be like setting a price.  The Buddha’s teachings are priceless. We offer our service here for Dana.What is dana?  Its simplest meaning is “generosity.”

We practice dana by offering the teachings without a price tag.  You can practice dana by making a donation of money, time and/or labor. Your donation allows us to continue offering the teachings to others. This center was built and is maintained only by the generosity of all of you who value the teachings.

Along with sila(virtuous behavior) dana is considered essential to building a strong foundation in which wisdom can arise through meditation.  It is through the practice of dana that we learn to let go of our greed (be it intense or very subtle).

If you would like to offer a financial donation to our center, you may use the link below:

Your Donation Allows The Wat Pasantidhamma To Continue Offering The Teachings Of The Buddha To All.

GOAL $950,099.00

$394,514.32 RAISED

Donate For a Sala Raum Jai

Our mission is leading people in a growing relationship
with the Temple. Please join our temple repair plan.

We appreciate your generosity and your cooperation in supporting our
temple to spread its community ans service opportunities.


Ways To Give

Our mission is leading people in a growing relationship
with the Temple. Please join our giving-Dana plan.


If you have real property, assets, or something
you want to bequeath as a gift.



We can also mail our tithes and offerings.Please take time to Spiritual allusions.



It is now possible and convenient to
give online using this website.


Your Generosity Is Deeply Appreciated. Thank You.

The Wat Pasantidhamma is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. All general donations are tax-deductible with the exception of donations for books received. (Contributors in foreign countries should check with their government’s regulations.)